On Monday, August 21st at 2:30pm EST the Black New/Dark Moon in Leo arrives in my neighborhood. However, your mileage may vary – be sure to check for your local time HERE. By now, I’m sure you’ve heard we’re also having a solar eclipse the same day. So, a Black New Moon Solar Eclipse are all happening on a Monday during Mercury Retrograde? Sounds like party time to me! *grin*
What the heck is a Black Moon?
Essentially, it’s the New Moon version of a Blue Moon, when it happens twice in once month. Here’s the science of it from EarthSky (be sure to check out the article for links and more info) –
Unless you’ve been living in outer space, you know that a new moon will pass in front of the sun on August 21, 2017, giving the mainland United States its first total solar eclipse since 1979. What you might not know is that some people will call this particular new moon a Black Moon. By one definition of the term, the Black Moon refers to the third of four new moons to take place in one season, with a season being the period of time between a solstice and an equinox (or vice versa).
Thus the August 21 eclipse can – and doubtless will, by some – be called a Black Moon eclipse.
Most of the time, there are only three new moons in one season. But if the first new moon comes early enough in the season, it’s possible for a fourth new moon to sneak in before that season comes to an end. That’s exactly what happens during the Northern Hemisphere summer (Southern Hemisphere winter) of 2017:
Jun 21: June solstice
Jun 24: new moon
Jul 23: new moon
Aug 21: new moon
Sep 20: new moon
Sep 22: Sept equinoxA Black Moon by the seasonal definition occurs 7 times in 19 years.
Magical meaning of a Black Moon.
For the magical definition, I checked out Witchapedia –
Like the blue moon, the details for the definition of the term black moon used by witches and other magic-users who work with the energy of the moon vary between traditions. The black moon may be the second dark moon or new moon in a one month period or it may refer to a month in which there is no full moon. February is the only month in which a full moon may be absent due to its shortened length. It is also impossible for there to be two new moons in the month of February, also due to its length.
The term “black moon” is also occasionally used synonymous with the term the dark moon to refer to the time of the month when the moon is not visible in the sky.
Some say that no magic should be worked on the black moon. Others believe that the moon’s energy is highly amplified at this time. The dark of the moon is a powerful time for banishing and binding, but the new moon, which follows quickly afterward is a potent time for drawing magick and new beginnings.
Why do you keep saying New/Dark (or Dark/New) moon? What’s the difference?
I wrote about this a couple years back, but essentially, this is the clarification that feels right to me.
From Lady Althaea‘s website –
The Dark Moon
Astronomically, this refers to the period when the Moon is not visible in the sky. This lasts between 1-3 days, depending upon your location. This is the period between the end of the Waning Moon up to and including the very start of the Waxing Moon, when the Moon is again illuminated by the Sun.Astrologically and magickally, this refers to the period when the Moon is not illuminated in any way, it is the period between the end of the Waning Moon and the start of the Waxing Moon.
The New Moon
Astronomically, this refers to the Midpoint of the Dark Moon, the time of which the Moon is exactly between phases, i.e. Waxing and Waning, as such, all times given for the New Moon on calendars, and even on the NASA website, are the Midpoint, the peak of, the Dark Moon.Astrologically and magickally, this refers to the very beginning of the Waxing Moon, when the Moon is again illuminated by the Sun; that very first Crescent of Moon in the Sky.
Magical Dark Moon Facts.
I also recently discovered this article by Speak of Secrets, called Dark Moon vs New Moon – What’s The Difference? This is my favorite bit –
Other Dark Moon facts that come in handy when considering ritual, magickal workings, and meditations:
- The Dark Moon rises and sets with the Sun, therefore it is not visible in the night sky
- As the Dark Moon aligns with the path of the Sun, it is at its highest apex in the sky at noon
- The energy of the Dark Moon is as powerful a time as any other in the lunar cycle, and can be accessed during the height of day or dark of night
- Chthonic aspects correspond to the Dark Moon
- Dark Moon magick is best suited to introspection, banishing negativity, or transformational and ancestral work
- The goddess Hecate is associated with the Dark Moon
- Labradorite is the gemstone associated to the Dark Moon
- Dark Moon magick is often practiced widdershins (counter-clockwise direction)
The New/Dark Moon in Leo.
Whilst Googling for reference articles, I stumbled upon this gem of a site. Here’s a taste of what Cristina Zodiac Poetry had to say in the article, New Moon in Leo, August 21, 2017 – Gold
The most anticipated and debated astrological event of the Summer is upon us. The upcoming New Moon in Leo, the second of two Leo New Moons in a row, marks both the grand finale to this tumultuous Eclipse season, and a fiery new beginning on a collective and personal level.
Arriving on August 21, at 6:30 PM UTC, at 28 degrees of the most radiant and theatrical of the signs, this New Moon is a supercharged, blazing sequel to July 23’s previous Leo New Moon, with the added power of bright blue star Regulus, of the transiting North Node, and, most importantly, of a Total Solar Eclipse.
While the audacious, Mars-flavoured Leo New Moon we experienced in July was akin to the initial thrust that set things in motion, the prelude, the foreword to the turn of the tides, August’s New Moon exudes an energy that feels more resolute, uncompromising, peremptory – no hesitation, doubt or reticence will be allowed.
Last month, we might have seeded our intentions for an empowering, satisfying, confident new course; we might have envisioned ourselves building a life that finally proves and showcases our talents, skills and uniqueness to the world; we might have expressed our desire to shine, love and be loved, to the Universe.
But it’s not enough.
This time around, our voices need to be louder, our desires stronger, our wishes bolder. Most importantly, we have to feel the commitment to this future vision of self-fulfillment right into every fiber of our being. We have to be willing to believe before we see. To act as though it’s already happening, to stay centered in the knowing that everything is falling into place, and act accordingly. Our determination must be unwavering, our effort sustained. Our heart must become the generator of this alternate dimension where joy and gratification reign supreme. It’s now or never. Regulus, the “Heart of the Lion” (translation of the Arabic designation Qalb al-Asad), and the brightest star in the Leo constellation, whose traditional name is Latin for ‘prince’ or ‘little king’, demands nothing less than loyalty and integrity, and a burning ardor that can match her warmth and brilliance.
After all, the point of Eclipses is to accelerate our growth and push us past our comfort zone, a process that comes easier if we move with the energy and give up resistance.
How can I see the Solar Eclipse?
Here’s a great snippet from the article, When Exactly Will the Eclipse Happen? A Multimillenium Tale of Computation, with a very helpful link at the end.
On August 21, 2017, there’s going to be a total eclipse of the Sun visible on a line across the US. But when exactly will the solar eclipse occur at a given location? Being able to predict astronomical events has historically been one of the great triumphs of exact science. But in 2017, how well can it actually be done?
The answer, I think, is well enough that even though the edge of totality moves at just over 1000 miles per hour it should be possible to predict when it will arrive at a given location to within perhaps a second. And as a demonstration of this, we’ve created a website to let anyone enter their geo location (or address) and then immediately compute when the eclipse will reach them—as well as generate many pages of other information.
Wolfram Precision Eclipse Computation
What about the magical properties of a Solar Eclipse?
Here’s some great information put together by Patti Wigington, the Paganism/Wicca Expert over at ThoughtCo (the original article seems to have been lost in the transition from the now defunct About.com – hopefully it will be back up soon).
In many belief systems, a solar eclipse is considered a sort of magical bonus round – this means that any workings you do during this period will have a lot of extra energy behind them. If there’s a working you’d like to do that seems like a bit of a challenge, try it during an eclipse, and see if it gives you the boost you need. There are a few magical traditions that believe only a very experienced magical practitioner should attempt a working during an eclipse, because of the levels of power and energy.
In general, if you’re not part of one of these traditions, it’s safe to use your own best judgment.
Some people associate the eclipse not only with destruction but with rebirth – there are some legends that seeds planted during a solar eclipse will blossom sooner and healthier than their counterparts planted at other times.
If you’re someone who follows astrology, there’s a theory that a solar eclipse that takes place during a new moon phase is a good time to perform workings related to love magic.
Dark/New Moon Rituals
I’ve put together a couple of simple rituals to do for the New/Dark Moon, but I haven’t come up with anything specific yet for a Black Moon or Solar Eclipse. Feel free to tailor these both to fit your magical needs for this extra special time. Oh, and both of these graphics are from earlier blog posts, HERE and HERE (click each picture for the full size version).
Black New/Dark Moon in Leo and the Solar Eclipse Infographic
Finally, here’s the graphic I created for the occasion. Be sure to shout out in the comments with how you’ll be celebrating this amazing magical time. Bright Black New/Dark Moon in Leo and the Solar Eclipse (*phew* say that three times fast!) blessings!
August 2017 Black New/Dark Moon in Leo and the Solar Eclipse. Black New/Dark Moon in Leo and the Solar Eclipse. August 21st 2017 at 2:30pm EST. Leo is a fire sign, with highly creative, enthusiastic, and charismatic energies. A Black Moon supercharges ritual work. It’s a good time for time for spells involving banishment, cleansing, and protection. Magical workings include – new beginnings, creativity, acknowledging self-worth, appreciation of self, generosity, affection, new love, and leadership. A Solar Eclipse supercharges magical workings. It’s a good time for time for spells involving transformation, release, and love. This is not a passive voice. I am writing in an active voice. My SEO will stop telling me how to write. August 2017 Black New/Dark Moon in Leo and the Solar Eclipse. These sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going until you turn green. August 2017 Black New/Dark Moon in Leo and the Solar Eclipse. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success! This is not a passive voice. I am writing in an active voice. My SEO will stop telling me how to write. August 2017 Black New/Dark Moon in Leo and the Solar Eclipse. These sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Stop being so controlling. Especially since most of the sentences in this post are not mine. I will keep going until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success!
Sounds like an exciting event! Sending good wishes for the Black Moon, hope all is well x
Thanks so much, Helen! Bright blessings to you!
Absolutely fascinating Traci!
Awww, thanks Noelle! So glad you enjoyed it.
I would love to hear input from you on the spells my young witch performs?
Certainly! Shout out whenever you’d like, and I’d be happy to chat with you about them.
I love “our voices need to be louder. . . ” That whole section is compelling and beautiful. I felt myself lifted up and inspired to keep going, focus on my goals, and refuse to be stopped by silly things. Thanks, Traci!
You’re very welcome, Angela! Thanks so much in return for dropping by! 🙂
Tracy – can you cast humongous inspiration spell on me so that I am forever and ever inspired to write awesome blog posts?
LOL! I’ll get to work on it straight away, but seems to me that asking for your blog posts to be more awesome is like asking for rain to be more wet. 😀