Witchcraft 101 – The Freezer Spell

Before I get started, just let me be clear - yes, I know that there are those people within the pagan community who feel spells like this Freezer Spell (binding someone or something against doing you harm) are BIG BAD DON'T DO IT KARMA KARMA KARMA THREE-FOLD LAW DON'T DOOOO ITTTTT types of magic. In... Continue Reading →

The Full Blue Moon in Libra

I feel like it's been years since I've done a big write-up for the astrological significance of the full moon each month. And technically, I haven't done one since last year (for the December 2017 full moon). I have some ideas for how to approach these posts in the future, but for now, I'm keeping... Continue Reading →

Revisiting the Feud Spell by Ellen Dugan

NOTE: Now that my ophthalmologist determined my vision issues are situational and not a sign of impending blindness, I'm feeling much better about being at my keyboard. However, since the blurriness still makes screen time challenging (and triggers headaches), I'm going to be scarce for a bit longer. I do have a ridiculously detailed health... Continue Reading →

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