On Friday January 27th (which is also the birthday of our eldest), the Dark (or New) Aquarius Moon arrives in my time zone. However, your mileage may vary - be sure to check for your local time HERE. For a little info about it, from someone more well-versed in astrology than myself, here's a snippet... Continue Reading →
WW – Full Wolf Moon in Cancer January 2017
On Thursday, January 12th 2017, the Full Wolf Moon in Cancer arrives in my time zone. However, your mileage may vary - be sure to check for your local time HERE. Once again, I turned to the interwebz to see what this means for us astrologically. Oh, but before we get started, I'm asking this... Continue Reading →
WW – Witchy Quotes from last year’s Quote Challenge
Last May, I created a quote challenge for myself - essentially, readers gave me their favorite quotes, and I had to find a picture taken in the month of May to pair with it. I recently found them again, and realized a couple of those graphics had somewhat witchy quotes, and thought I'd share them... Continue Reading →
WW – New Years Magic for 2017
As 2016 winds to a close, and before I get to the New Years Magic for 2017, ! want to take a moment to say thank you to everyone for visiting, commenting, and sharing my posts. While I'd write this blog even if I was essentially talking to myself, it certainly adds to my enthusiasm... Continue Reading →
WW – December 2016 Dark Capricorn Moon
On Thursday, December 29th, the Dark (or New) Capricorn Moon arrives. For a little info about it, from someone more well-versed in astrology than myself, here's a snippet of an article over at The Dark Pixie Astrology. From December 2016 New & Full Moons: Full Moon in Gemini & New Moon in Capricorn - A... Continue Reading →
WW – Yule aka Winter Solstice 2016
The last stop in the Wheel of the Year (Yule aka Winter Solstice 2016) is almost here! On December 21st, 2016 at 5:44 am EST, the Holly King defeats the Oak King, and the Sun God is reborn! In other words, since it's the shortest day of the year, from here on out the amount... Continue Reading →
WW – Super Full Gemini Moon
On Tuesday, December 13th 2016, the Super Full Gemini Moon arrives in my time zone. However, your mileage may vary - be sure to check for your local time HERE. It is also known as The Full Long Nights Moon, and is the final Supermoon and Full Moon for 2016. Once again, I turned to... Continue Reading →
WW – Mercury Retrograde December 2016
Here we go again! The last of four Mercury Retrograde phases in 2016 begins on December 19th and lasts until next year (January 8th, to be precise). It starts in the sign of Capricorn, and ends in Sagittarius. What does this mean for you? Since my astrology skills are still rusty, I turned to other... Continue Reading →
WW – November 2016 Dark Sagittarius Moon
On Tuesday, November 29th, the Dark (or New) Sagittarius Moon arrives. For a little info about it, from someone more well-versed in astrology than myself, here's a snippet of an article over at The Dark Pixie Astrology. November 2016 New & Full Moons: Full Moon in Taurus & New Moon in Sagittarius A new moon... Continue Reading →
WW – Feud Spell by Ellen Dugan
I had a great response to the Home Cleaning Spell post a couple of weeks ago, so I decided to do another. I searched Llewellyn and found this wicked cool and timely Feud Spell, again done by Ellen Dugan. Even though she posted this on January 21, 2009, it just so happens that today is... Continue Reading →
WW – Super Full Taurus Moon
On Monday November 14th, the Super Full Taurus Moon arrives. It is also known as the depressingly titled, but very seasonally appropriate, Full Mourning Moon. Last year, I found a cool explanation of this particular moon name at an unexpectedly place - Refinery29 (yeah, the fashion and style website - I was wicked surprised too!).... Continue Reading →
WW – Complete Home Cleaning Spell by Ellen Dugan
Here in New England, the time is ripe for some fall cleanup. While I'm still not "broom ready" thanks to ongoing knee issues, I decided to check Llewellyn for a home cleaning spell for future use. I really like this Complete Home Cleansing by Ellen Dugan. While she specifically created it for the waxing moon... Continue Reading →