WW – October 2016 Dark Scorpio Moon

This coming Sunday, October 30th, the Dark Scorpio Moon arrives (also known as the New Moon in Scorpio). For a little info about it, from someone more well-versed in astrology than myself, here's a snippet of an article over at Elephant Journal. New Moon in Scorpio: Only those who Believe in Magic will Find It.... Continue Reading →

WW – Wheel of the Year Samhain Ritual

Last month, for Mabon, I talked about spending this year coming up with my own, simple rituals for every spoke on the Wheel of the Year. However, given my current circumstances (on crutches), I've had to come up with something slightly different for a Samhain ritual. I luckily had access (thanks to my eldest helping... Continue Reading →

Witchy Wednesday – Samhain 2016

Last year, not only did I do a regular blog post about Samhain, I also had one called, "5 Witchy ways to celebrate Halloween" published on the SheKnows site. For Samhain 2016, I plan to put together another simple ritual like I did for Mabon. I'll have that posted for next week's Witchy Wednesday -... Continue Reading →

WW – Super Full Aries Moon

On Sunday October 16th, the Super Full Aries Moon (also known as the Hunter's Moon) arrives. Oh, and did you know that the October Full Moon is the only moon of the year to stay in the sky all night (rising at sunset & setting at sunrise)? To suss out what this all means, I... Continue Reading →

WW – Mabon aka Fall Equinox 2016

Next Thursday marks the official start of Autumn. I had no idea there was a bit of controversy in Pagan circles about the "proper" name for this particular occasion until last year, when a Facebook post by Christopher Penczak got me Googling. However, when all is said and done, I have no problem using Mabon... Continue Reading →

WW – Mercury Retrograde August 2016

Fasten your seat belts! The third of four Mercury Retrograde phases in 2016 begins on August 30th and lasts until September 22nd. It starts and ends in the sign of Virgo, an Earth sign associated with perfectionism and problem solving. What does this mean for you? Since my astrology skills are still rusty, I turned... Continue Reading →

WW – Black Cat Appreciation Day 2016

Happy Black Cat Appreciation Day 2016! While our cat Sid (short for Obsidian) would argue that this should be every day, today is the official celebration. I wrote about this last year (and scored a featured spot on BlogHer for it!), but since it falls on a Witchy Wednesday this year, I thought I'd give... Continue Reading →

WW – Full Aquarius Moon

On Thursday, August 18th, the Full Aquarius Moon arrives, and brings with it a kinda sorta, itsy bitsy, tiny almost, little bit of an eclipse. To suss out what this means, I once again scoured the interwebz for people more well-versed in astrology than me. First, a little blurb about the non-event eclipse from Astrology... Continue Reading →

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