Couch therapy

Hubby and I have been together since 1987. In that entire time, I can’t recall ever buying a brand spanking new couch. We’ve always been in the right place at the right time to inherit free, or find low cost used, and since we’re renters, that was good enough for us.

Tonight we went with our eldest to a local furniture place, and bought a huge (for us) sectional. Our Sunday nights together will now be on one piece of furniture, instead of the second hand couch, saucer gaming chair, and folding cloth chair we currently use. I can’t believe how incredibly excited the whole family is about this purchase.

Our future couch (ours is brown, without the polka dot ottoman)
Our future couch from Bob’s Furniture (ours is brown, without the polka dot ottoman)

I know money can’t buy happiness. But in this case, it bought us a sweet, comfy spot to hang out and be happy.

I know money can’t buy happiness. But in this case, it bought us a sweet, comfy spot to hang out and be happy. Hubby and I have been together since 1987. In that entire time, I can’t recall ever buying a brand spanking new couch. We’ve always been in the right place at the right time to inherit free, or find low cost used, and since we’re renters, that was good enough for us. Tonight we went with our eldest to a local furniture place, and bought a huge (for us) sectional. Our Sunday nights together will now be on one piece of furniture, instead of the second hand couch, saucer gaming chair, and folding cloth chair we currently use. I can’t believe how incredibly excited the whole family is about this purchase.I know money can’t buy happiness. But in this case, it bought us a sweet, comfy spot to hang out and be happy.

7 thoughts on “Couch therapy

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    1. Yep, I did a test drive in the store with that in mind. It finally arrives in the morning – I’ll have my cuppa and book ready and waiting! πŸ™‚

      1. Readers! We all have one track minds. πŸ˜‰

        Oh, I hope it’s as cozy as it looks and that your maiden voyage is a happy one!

        Mmm. I could use a cuppa right now, actually.

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