Feathered Friday – Birds in my yard on November 6th, 2019

As I mentioned in my most recent Wednesday Walk post, I managed to get in an hour long meander with my camera a couple days ago. For the majority of the time I was out, there was little to no bird song, but towards the end, as I was walking towards our front door, I realized I was hearing some chatter. So for the last ten minutes or so, I stood as quietly as I could in the driveway, and tried to capture the hyper little creatures as they darted through the wind tossed tree branches (with limited success). However, I thought I’d share the best of what I got to show some of the birds in my yard that still remain, even though the cold weather is approaching.

One last thing before I get started with my latest contribution to the Feathered Friday tag that @melinda010100 has kept flying on the Steem blockchain – be sure to check out the post she did for this week, called Chickadees for Feathered Friday, which has some adorable pictures of the Black-capped Chickadees that hang out in her yard (like one of the little guys I have below – great minds, eh Melinda? 😊 ).

Now on with the birds in my yard on November 6th, 2019

Feathered Friday - Birds in my yard
The first little guy I spotted was a White-breasted Nuthatch. He was perched nicely on a branch, and just as I snapped the shot, he flew away (that’s him bombing away on the bottom right)!

Feathered Friday - Birds in my yard
However, I managed to track him down when he landed again – guess he wasn’t feeling camera ready. 😊

Feathered Friday - Birds in my yard
The next guy I spotted was a Tufted Titmouse, who was knocking acorns out of this tree

Feathered Friday - Birds in my yard
He was a busy little bird…

Feathered Friday - Birds in my yard
…quickly hopping from branch to branch…

Feathered Friday - Birds in my yard
…and interesting that he was knocking nuts down, but not eating them, at least from what I could see.

Feathered Friday - Birds in my yard
Funny thing too, given that in this picture, he’s directly above where my landlady’s bird feeder stand is!

In fact, this little Chickadee had been at the feeder before he popped up to see what the Titmouse had been up too…

…he spent a minute looking around…

…before deciding the Titmouse was silly for bothering with acorns when there was plenty of seed to be had below!


And because I’m irrationally bothered by the fact I couldn’t get some close, clean shots of these beauties, I decided to include three old shots of each, so you can see how adorable they really are.


Final Frosty Flashback Foto Friday For 2017
Nuthatch striking a pose from December 30, 2017

Tufted Titmouse sitting on the Shagbark, on a 7F/-13.9C degree day from January 13, 2017

Black-capped Chickadee, supervising as I filled the bird bath on April 22, 2016

Happy Feathered Friday!

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Speaking of witch which…

I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few…

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