FF – I heart Star Wars

To be fair, my answer to the age old question of, “Star Trek or Star Wars?” would come down slightly on the side of The Enterprise and crew. But Chewie and company still occupy a special place in my heart, and this new trailer gives me a new hope that the upcoming trilogy will rock –

Even Matthew McConaughey was moved by it –

And this is what sealed the deal for me –

Star Wars, Chewbacca and Hans

Counting down the days until December 18th!

To be fair, my answer to the age old question of, “Star Trek or Star Wars?” would come down slightly on the side of The Enterprise and crew. But Chewie and company still occupy a special place in my heart, and this new trailer gives me a new hope that the upcoming trilogy will rock. Even Matthew McConaughey was moved by it. And this is what sealed the deal for me. Counting down the days until December 18th! To be fair, my answer to the age old question of, “Star Trek or Star Wars?” would come down slightly on the side of The Enterprise and crew. But Chewie and company still occupy a special place in my heart, and this new trailer gives me a new hope that the upcoming trilogy will rock. Even Matthew McConaughey was moved by it. And this is what sealed the deal for me. Counting down the days until December 18th!

One thought on “FF – I heart Star Wars

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  1. When forced into a decision, I tended to come down on the side of Han, Leia, Luke, et al., but never saw any good reason why I couldn’t love both.

    Star Wars came out when I was the perfect age for it. There was a thrill in seeing it on the big screen for the first time that no other film has ever matched. I saw it in the theater eleven times during its original run — something I still boggle at. I wasn’t thrilled with the prequels, with their wooden acting and ridiculous logic, but I am extremely excited about the new film — it’s like getting to see old friends again, after far too long. Come on, December 18th! ๐Ÿ™‚

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