Welcome to Tarot Tuesday for the week of February 6th, 2018! My monthly free Tarot card readings were so popular, I decided to make them a weekly feature. If you want to be sure to catch the next one, you can follow my blog on WordPress or Bloglovin’, stalk my Facebook, Twitter, or other social media (all my links are in the widget on the left), or simply bookmark this site and set an alarm on your phone for Tuesdays at 8am EST.
For those wondering, I use my Universal Waite Smith Tarot Deck to draw the cards, but since it’s so well loved (I’ve owned it for a bazillion years), I then substitute my Radiant Deck for the photographs. And for the record, I take a new picture of the card backs every week – first, I do the cards face up, then flip them over and take a snap of the back. I add the numbers and such with Canva, and use the picture from the top of the post to create the blog graphic.
Also, while it probably doesn’t need to be said, I’m saying it anyway – this is for fun, and my messages should never be a substitute for your own good judgement and common sense. In fact, that applies to most things in life – if your gut tells you it’s not right, always listen.
Now, on to the reading! Pick the card (or cards) that you’re drawn to, then scroll down to the bottom of this post for the card reveal and my short interpretation of what to expect in the upcoming week.
Okay, you’ve picked your card, right?
Are you sure it’s the one you want?
And you know I’m only asking to make sure you don’t catch a glimpse of the faces before you make your decision, right?
Alrighty, here’s the big reveal! Your card is…
*drum roll*
1. The Devil
Check your chains. Take a look at the things you think are holding you back. You might find the chains are loose enough to escape from, and your captivity was an illusion all along. I also tend to draw this card I get when I need to do a reality check – like, how much am I overindulging in things (gaming, alcohol, chocola… wait a second, there’s no such thing as chocolate overindulgence! *grin*), or how uptight am I being (afraid to splurge, nervous to try new things). Now is the time for “Breaking the chains around you/Nobody else can bind you/Take a good look around you/Now you’re breaking the chains.”
2. Queen of Cups
Trust your intuition. Time to listen to your heart, and not your head. Sit, meditate, and reflect on all aspects of the situation, and try to figure out what makes emotional, if not practical, sense. This might also call for a hefty dose of compassion – sometimes simply being supportive for someone is all they need. Channeling your inner Miss Honey and using a listening ear, an open mind, and a bazillion hugs can go a long way towards healing and understanding.
3. Five of Wands
Little fish meets big pond. You have that thing that you’re really good at, but lately you feel like you’re just one of many people who are good at it too. You’re afraid you don’t stand out from the competition. The bad news is, you’re right. The good news is, all you need to do is to get out there and battle for your spot. Once you’ve joined the fight for supremacy, you’ll get a sense of what you can do to make yourself stand out from all the others. Remind yourself, “in a world of Muggles, be Hermione“. Staying on the sidelines and bemoaning the fact that no one pays attention to you won’t get you the attention you want or deserve. Fight for it!
So, what did you think of your message? Please be sure to shout out in the comment section, and let me know what you thought. And, as is the case with all my posts, if you enjoyed it, please feel free to share. Bright blessings!
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a few dollars (give or take) in my
cyber busker hat via PayPal.

If you don’t – no worries!
Bright Blessings!

Ah, Queen of Cups of Kindness…finally, a little dust settling.
#3 Bang on. Thanks Traci <3
I got 2 and it resonated.