Welcome to Tarot Tuesday for the week of March 27th, 2018! My monthly free Tarot card readings were so popular, I decided to make them a weekly feature. If you want to be sure to catch the next one, you can follow my blog on WordPress or Bloglovin’, stalk my Facebook, Twitter, or other social media (all my links are in the widget on the left), or simply bookmark this site and set an alarm on your phone for Tuesdays at 8am EST.
For those wondering, I use my Universal Waite Smith Tarot Deck to draw the cards, but since it’s so well loved (I’ve owned it for a bazillion years), I then substitute my Radiant Deck for the photographs. And for the record, I take a new picture of the card backs every week – first, I do the cards face up, then flip them over and take a snap of the back. I add the numbers and such with Canva, and use the picture from the top of the post to create the blog graphic.
Also, while it probably doesn’t need to be said, I’m saying it anyway – this is for fun, and my messages should never be a substitute for your own good judgement and common sense. In fact, that applies to most things in life – if your gut tells you it’s not right, always listen.
Now, on to the reading! Pick the card (or cards) that you’re drawn to, then scroll down to the bottom of this post for the card reveal and my short interpretation of what to expect in the upcoming week.
Okay, you’ve picked your card (or cards), right?
Alright, well, last week, it occurred to me that there are SO many brilliant musicians on Steemit, why not use one of the gazillion songs I fall in love with each day for my “Jeopardy Music“?
For this week, I KNEW I had to use this song by @paintingangels, a woman whose talent (and generosity) is beyond wickedly huge! Unfortunately, when I decided on this song, it didn’t occur to me it would be past payout by the time my post was up (of course, the one I picked for @tarotbyfergus last week was long past – think I gotta work a few kinks outta this idea). Therefore, if you end up falling in love with this beautifully lyrical work as much as I do, please consider visiting her most recent song post (equally amazing, and gut-wrenchingly evocative piece) called, Savage Land (Trail of Tears) – (original) and showing your appreciation there.
So, as I was saying, now that you’ve decided on a card, or cards, while you’re scrolling, please enjoy this musical interlude…
“It’s a cold night
and the wind is still.
Your hands are unsteady,
but not your will.
Don’t hold your breath,
I can’t wait that long.
Keep going, sweetheart.
You’ve gotta be strong,
cause it’s a crazy world
and it won’t slow down.
You’ve gotta catch your train
before it skips this town
It’s a crazy world.” ~ Serena Matthews
Alrighty, here’s the big reveal! Your card is…
*drum roll*
1. Seven of Swords
The Thief. Something is being stolen from you, but not necessarily an object. Someone is stealing your good name, your energy, or your time. However, because the situation isn’t overt (they’re being very sneaky), a direct confrontation probably won’t work. Try being sneaky in return – like the old saying goes, “it takes a thief to catch a thief.”
2. The Moon
Something mystical this way comes. You know the craziness that arrives with the full moon? You’re about to get your own personal full moon-itis. You’ll find yourself saying many times over, “What the absolute *insert profanity of choice* is going on?” But like a roller coaster ride (which is what your life will feel like for a short time), you have the option to squeeze your eyes shut, hang on to the handrail, and scream the whole time, or toss your arms up in the air like you just don’t care (after making sure your seat belt is fastened), hoot & holler, and enjoy the hell out of it. Your creative juices are also in high gear, so go for the gusto and make your dreams come true!
3. Nine of Cups
Satisfaction is imminent. You’ve put tons of good karma, juju, and positivity into the world. Now the Universe wants to give some back. Relax, and sit by the fire for a spell while the Universe fills your cup with your favorite beverage. The innkeeper may also be asking you, what’s the good of all your hard work, if you don’t take a moment to enjoy it? Maybe it’s time to splurge on yourself a bit for a change. Every now and then, it’s good to cut loose…Footloose… kick off the Sunday shoes…
So, what did you think of your message? Please be sure to shout out in the comment section, and let me know what you thought. And, as is the case with all my posts, if you enjoyed it, please feel free to share. Bright blessings!
[NOTE – The graphics in this post were created via Canva, but the Tarot card pictures were taken by yours truly. Also posted on my Steemit blog – Time for another Tarot Tuesday! See what the cards have to say about the week starting March 27th 2018]
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a few dollars (give or take) in my
cyber busker hat via PayPal.

If you don’t – no worries!
Bright Blessings!

I am SO ready for 9 of Cups and some good karma coming home to roost.
Thanks so much Traci. I gave a little share for you x