NOTE – If you’re reading this message, it’s because I’m still dealing with
my body falling apart because I’m oldsome health stuff. As I said last week, the Universe has an amazing sense of humor, and I have a splint on my right hand with orders from the Urgent Care doc to let my thumb rest and heal. Since I had time on my hand (specifically, my left, and I’m a righty), I decided to slowly put together another week’s worth of posts, just in case. I uploaded, scheduled, and I’ve connected WP Publicize to auto-share them to Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and Tumblr. Hoping to catch up with everyone soon!
Welcome to Tarot Tuesday for the week of October 17th! My monthly free Tarot card readings were so popular, I decided to make them a weekly feature. If you want to be sure to catch the next one, you can follow my blog on WordPress or Bloglovin’, stalk my Facebook, Twitter, or other social media (all my links are in the widget on the left), or simply bookmark this site and set an alarm on your phone for Tuesdays at 8am EST.
For those wondering, I use my Universal Waite Smith Tarot Deck to draw the cards, but since it’s so well loved (I’ve owned it for a bazillion years), I then substitute my Radiant Deck for the photographs. And for the record, I take a new picture of the card backs every week – first, I do the cards face up, then flip them over and take a snap of the back. I add the numbers and such with Canva, and use the picture from the top of the post to create the blog graphic.
Also, while it probably doesn’t need to be said, I’m saying it anyway – this is for fun, and my messages should never be a substitute for your own good judgement and common sense. In fact, that applies to most things in life – if your gut tells you it’s not right, always listen.
Now, on to the reading! Pick the card (or cards) that you’re drawn to, then scroll down to the bottom of this post for the card reveal and my short interpretation of what to expect in the upcoming week.
Okay, you’ve picked your card, right?
Are you sure it’s the one you want?
And you know I’m only asking to make sure you don’t catch a glimpse of the faces before you make your decision, right?
Alrighty, here’s the big reveal! Your card is…
*drum roll*
1. Temperance
Work towards unity. Sometimes it feels like you’re trying to blend oil and water together, and no matter how hard you stir, they stay separated. Don’t give up hope. With careful and thoughtful actions, you can finally bring together those things that are trying to push away. Keep in mind, like my favorite Tarot website says, “a bow and arrow are useless apart, but together a formidable weapon.”
2. Strength
Believe in yourself. People have told you time and time again that you couldn’t do it alone, because you weren’t (strong, smart, tough) enough. Nonsense! As Glinda said to Dorothy, “You don’t need to be helped any longer. You’ve always had the power to go back to Kansas.” Okay, maybe a visit to Auntie Em and Uncle Henry’s farm isn’t on your wish list, but you have the courage and compassion to tame the beast of self-doubt.
3. The Chariot
Find your middle ground. As Mr Miyagi said, “Better learn balance. Balance is key. Balance good, karate good. Everything good. Balance bad, better pack up, go home. Understand?” Think of the two horses in the card as being negative and positive emotions – if you focus solely on urging one ahead to win the race, you’ll soon be off-balance and your carriage will overturn. Keep a tight and balanced hold on your reins, harness your power, and gallop ahead to victory.
So, what did you think of your message? Please be sure to shout out in the comment section, and let me know what you thought. And, as is the case with all my posts, if you enjoyed it, please feel free to share. Bright blessings!
This button takes you to the Ko-fi site,

a few dollars (give or take) in my
cyber busker hat via PayPal.

If you don’t – no worries!
Bright Blessings!

October 17th 2017 Tarot. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success! First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. October 17th 2017 Tarot. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. I will keep going while until you turn green. Finally, it has turned. Success! October 17th 2017 Tarot. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. I will keep going while until you turn green. October 17th 2017 Tarot. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success! First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. I will keep going while until you turn green. Finally, it has turned. Success! October 17th 2017 Tarot.
Traci, thank you! Your tarot readings always “speak to me” about something very pertinent in my life. Often, they point me in a new and better direction. Again, thank you!
Sending you healing thoughts .. heal well and swiftly 🙂
Thank you, and I wish you all the good cards. xox