Guest Post – Floral Full Moon Water Recipe by A Witch’s Path

I’m wicked excited to welcome a guest blogger to Witchy Wednesday! NorthwestWitch, over at her excellent blog, A Witch’s Path, is running a witchy blog share through Samhain 2017. Click HERE to see how you can participate.

Now, without further ado, here’s her post. When you’re done reading, be sure to pop over to her blog to check out my guest post (featuring a Full Moon Healing Spell), and tons more of her awesome witchy writings.


The upcoming full moon is an intense one, bringing up our issues around power, success, and relationships. All this energy is amplified by a partial lunar eclipse.

We won’t see the lunar eclipse in all parts of the world (All of North America and most of South America will miss it), but we can all feel its energy. And it’s complicated energy that brings with it the potential for open-hearted achievement AND the risk of losing sight of our values in the pursuit of power. I encourage you to read the article I linked to for better understand of the energies of the coming full moon.

Today I’m going to share a recipe with you for a floral moon water to help harness the magic of this full moon and moderate its drive toward success with love and wisdom.

You will need:

  • A white or clear bowl.
  • Drinking water
  • Fresh or dried leaves and/or flowers of:
    • lemon balm – for success
    • mint (any variety) – for money
    • mugwort – for intuition / psychic powers
    • rose – for love
    • sage – for wisdom
    • vervain – for magical power

On the day of the full moon, gather a leaf and/or flower of each herb. (If you don’t have access to a garden, all these herbs should be relatively easy to purchase in some form from an herbal supplier, and some you might already have in your spice or tea cabinet. Purchase herbs ahead of time so they’re ready on the day of the full moon. You only need a small amount of each.)

When the moon rises, set up your altar with the bowl, water, herbs and flowers. Cast the circle in you usual way.

Place your bowl where the moonlight will shine into it. Put the herbs in the bowl and pour water over them. Some herbs might float on the surface, and that’s okay.

Hold out your receptive (non dominant) hand palm-up so the moonlight shines on it. Call out to the moon with these or similar words:

“Mother moon, please share your magic with me.”

Feel her light sinking into your palm and moving through your body. When you feel connected to this energy, hold your dominant hand over the bowl, palm down. Imagine the moon’s energy flowing through you into the herbs and water. Say these or similar words:

“I charge this water

With the power of the full moon,

To achieve my dreams.

May mint bring me the money

To fulfill my goals,

And lemon balm give me success

in my endeavors.

May mugwort amplify my intuition

and help me hear the voice of spirit.

May vervain awaken my magic

And help me open doors of opportunity.

May rose nourish my heart

and help me use my powers with love.

May sage clear my mind

and help me use my powers with wisdom.

With herbs and moonlight

This water is charged.”

Now consider your intentions for this magic. What will you do with it? What will you offer the world? Remember, when you receive energy and power from the universe, you have a responsibility to use it well. This DOESN’T mean that the way you use it shouldn’t ALSO make you happy. Indeed, your passions are a gift to the world just as much as they are a gift to you. So tune into the work you feel called to do, and make a promise to yourself and spirit that you’ll do that work to the best of your ability, and use the help you are given wisely and well. Speak the intention aloud or just focus on it with your thoughts.

Let the energy continue flowing until the surge of power subsides. Then clap your hands three times, and each time say “So be it” as you clap. After the third clap, ground any remaining energy by touching the earth or a tree and say “And so it is.”

Thank the spirits, and give them an offering. Some appropriate offerings are sweet smelling incense smoke, milk and honey, or alcohol. Or get creative and offer them a poem or song of thanks. Follow your instincts: the important thing is to be genuinely grateful, and to give from the heart.

Finish your ritual as usual and, if possible, leave the water out to steep in the moonlight over night.

In the morning, strain out the herbs and return them to the earth. Pour the water into a bottle with a tight fitting lid and keep it in the refrigerator. Take small doses of the water daily like a flower essence to help you realize your goals and dreams. Or use it as an ingredient in potions or other spells that align with your purpose.


Michelle Simkins is a greenwitch and writer living in Portland, Oregon with her wife and too many pets. She blogs about herbal witchery and sells magical supplies at A Witch’s Path, and publishes short stories and metaphysical ebooks at Hagstone Publishing.






30 thoughts on “Guest Post – Floral Full Moon Water Recipe by A Witch’s Path

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  1. There are more of you????? I needed to know this with a pending full moon too; oh me, oh my. Always fascinating reads Traci; please tell me this is not a skyclad inacnation !!

    1. *ominous voice*

      We are everywhere, Gary.


      Oh, and no worries, kind sir – in the immortal words of Aunt Jet Owens, “No, of course. The nudity is entirely optional. As you well remember!” 😀

      1. I rather think I am becoming more and more aware of this! Stop burning them at the stake and look what happens; multiply out of control!! 😉

        Of course! you mentioned that before but didn’t say which side of optional you lay on lol

  2. I am definitely going to be trying out some moon and water rituals, thanks for shairng what you do ..xx

  3. I am definitely going to be trying out some moon and water rituals, thanks for shairng what you do ..xx Forgot to leave my website on the last one…Xx

  4. This was an interesting recipe. Can you be a witch without using herbs and circle casting, though? I’m just starting to learn a little more about the pagan path, so I’m a little (very) curious. We don’t get a lot of the herbs that I’ve commonly seen on witchy sites. And circle casting…I can’t figure out why I seem to be resistant to it…

    1. Oh, most definitely! There are all kinds of ways to practice witchcraft. Did you happen to check out my guest post on “A Witch’s Path”!? I talk briefly about my feelings on “proper” wording when spell casting.

      1. Oh lovely! I didn’t have time to check out your guest post, but I will go read it now. I’d love to know more about how you create and hold space. Maybe that can be a topic for your next witchy Wednesday

    2. Hi, I just wanted to chime in a little bit, I hope that’s okay Traci–while you DON’T have to use herbs or circle casting as a witch, ALSO know that ALL plants are magical and you can learn to work with the plants that grown where you live for magical purposes! In fact that’s my favorite subject and if you ever want to chat about it or want some resources on the topic feel free to drop me a line! I THINK my little avatar will link you to my website, if not there’s a link in the post or Traci has my contact info.

      ALSO I think circle casting is entirely optional, especially when working outdoors. I use circles when I want to create a strong “container” for energy, like when I’m doing specific kinds of magic that require a lot of focus. BUT I’m not very formal about it, and there’s definitely none of that “I summon and stir thee” type stuff. It’s more of an invitation to the elementals and helpful spirits to witness and assist, if they wish. So you can nix the circle altogether OR you can think of ways to create sacred space that resonate personally for you. Then it becomes fun and creative and soul-nourishing.

      Thanks for reading my guest post! And thanks again to Traci for having me!

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