From InternetG33k to Traci York

The Great InternetG33k Website and Blog Transfer of 2013 is underway!

Please pardon the mess. I’m slowly working through, changing links and adding widgets. Until I finish, there will be old blog entries saying they’re authored by InternetG33k (my former moniker), while new entries will be attributed to me. Also, some links might still bring you back to the InternetG33k website. I appreciate your patience while I unpack my cyber-boxes and sweep the e-floors clean. *grin*

The Great Website and Blog Transfer of 2013 is underway!Please pardon the mess. I’m slowly working through, changing links and adding widgets. Until I finish, there will be old blog entries saying they’re authored by Internet G33k (my former moniker), while new entries will be attributed to me. Also, some links might still bring you back to the Internet G33k website. I appreciate your patience while I unpack my cyber-boxes and sweep the e-floors clean. *grin* The Great Website and Blog Transfer of 2013 is underway!Please pardon the mess. I’m slowly working through, changing links and adding widgets. Until I finish, there will be old blog entries saying they’re authored by Internet G33k (my former moniker), while new entries will be attributed to me. Also, some links might still bring you back to the Internet G33k website. I appreciate your patience while I unpack my cyber-boxes and sweep the e-floors clean. *grin* The Great Website and Blog Transfer of 2013 is underway!Please pardon the mess. I’m slowly working through, changing links and adding widgets. Until I finish, there will be old blog entries saying they’re authored by Internet G33k (my former moniker), while new entries will be attributed to me. Also, some links might still bring you back to the Internet G33k website. I appreciate your patience while I unpack my cyber-boxes and sweep the e-floors clean. *grin*

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