Microblog Monday – Happy 10th blogiversary to me

Hard to believe, but ten years ago today, I started blogging for a local newspaper. After two years, I struck out on my own. Granted, there have been long stretches of zero posts, but for close to a year now, I’ve managed three posts a week, with a few extras (like throwbacks for Thanksgiving and Christmas) tossed in. Oh, and I did NaBloPoMo in November 2014 to kickstart my blogging, and managed a post a day, plus NaNoWriMo!

My first entries for the newspaper were written from a fictional point of view (with the blessing of the editor) because I was going for a Diary of V vibe. While it didn’t last (too hard maintaining the duel personalities whilst participating in the forums and commenting on other blogs), the persona of InternetG33k became the basis for my first book, Tangled Web.

Here’s a link to my very first post –

Welcome to my corner of CyberSpace

I moved most of my posts over here, so if you’re interested in checking them out, click on the banner below.
Happy blogiversary to my blog!

Oh, and how cool is it that my blogiversary falls on a Musing/Microblog Monday?

Blogiversary with #MicroblogMondays

20 thoughts on “Microblog Monday – Happy 10th blogiversary to me

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  1. Happy blogiversary to you! I love your first ever post. I can so relate to trying to figure out a whole future of events before even dating someone, in a past life that is! πŸ™‚

    1. Yeah, I was doing that long before I met my husband, and we got married when I was 24, so I didn’t even have the ticking clock excuse! Thanks for reading, Jess!

    1. OMG! I haven’t had your freshly made cookies since our a.t.f.* days! Yummers! Thanks, thinky! πŸ˜€

      (a.t.f. = alt.tv.farscape, not the smokes and guns thingy, in case anyone else reading this is wondering *grin*)

  2. Congrats on 10 years! I started blogging almost nine years ago, so you’re way ahead of me. I’m also very impressed that you did NaNoWriMo as well as NaBloPoMo all in one month! You should feel very proud with blogging three posts a week. I certainly can’t keep up with that.

  3. Congratulations for completing 10 long years..!!! It’s really a long time.. and you seem to have made it through..!!
    All the very best..


    1. I wish I’d been more consistent over the years, but I’m hoping this schedule of three days a week gets me through the next ten years. Thanks for the visit, Diana!

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