MM – Today is the Winter Solstice

A few minutes ago, I hit “publish” on my Witchy Wednesday post for last week. I still haven’t started a Fandom Friday for the 18th, but I figured I’d jump ahead to today’s post so at least one of my last three posts will be on time. *grin*

The title of the post is, “Yule aka Winter Solstice” and since it occurs here in New Hampshire tonight, I got it in just under the wire. This morning, I managed to snag a sunrise picture (it’s too overcast for a sunset), and this is what I shared in a Facebook group earlier –

Winter Solstice

Solstice sunrise, taken this morning (exact time of the solstice in NH is tonight at 11:49 PM EST).

Years ago, we (me, hubby, and three kidlets) got up before dawn and drove with friends to a local field. At sunrise, we “sang up the sun” (I wish I could remember the chant we used, but it was essentially encouraging, then thanking the sun’s return).

This morning, after snapping a few pictures, I took a moment to silently welcome the sun’s return again, then gave thanks.

Bright solstice blessings to all!

No matter what your beliefs are, I hope you enjoy light and love today, and every day.

Winter Solstice #MicroblogMondays

13 thoughts on “MM – Today is the Winter Solstice

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    1. Thank you, Lori! I’m with you on the countdown – even though we’ve been spoiled with warm weather here in New Hampshire, I still can’t wait for longer hours of sun!

  1. Absolutely love this photo. I can perfectly imagine the peaceful quiet of early morning with only the early birds for company. Great capture!

    1. Thank you so much, Shannon. Funny you should mention birds – while I was outside (it’s been unseasonably warm here), a small bird actually flew pretty close to my head! Totally cracked me up – I felt like it was saying, “Enough with the pictures. The bird feeder is empty, you know.”

  2. I love that photo. For years now I’m been getting to the lakefront to witness a sunrise. And for years now, I’ve been too intimidated to get on the train a dark o thirty in the morning. Maybe this year. Maybe this year–into the new year.

    1. I can’t say that I blame you for being nervous about getting on the train at that scary hour of the morning, but I hope you can see your lakefront sunrise very soon!

  3. Blessed Solstice to you and your family Traci. Windy and rainy on Vancouver Island but we celebrated the solstice with good friends and family with fine food and drinks and lots of story telling and laughs.

  4. Beautiful, like the sky is on fire (but in a good way of course). A blessed Winter Solstice to you and your family. It all gets a little brighter each day from this point onward, which is lovely to think about.

    1. Thank you, Jess. It’s the knowledge that even as the cold deepens, the sun is still getting a little stronger each day, that helps on those chilly winter days here in the Northeast. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season to you and yours.

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