MM – What do you see

Hubby recently had a schedule change at work, which means we now wake up before the sun (I get up with him and make his breakfast and such). Even though I’m still off the clock and recuperating, I can’t help but go out to the kitchen and keep the eldest company while she does my morning routine. As a result, we’ve been able to see some beautiful sunrises together.

Yesterday, I decided to set up my camera and tripod in the living room (a few steps from the kitchen) to see if I could capture some of the color. I thought this one was fairly decent –

See the sunrise

This one came out very blurry, but it gave me pause. Do you see it too?


I just had to go outside to try to get a clearer picture of what I saw.

What do I see?

To give you some perspective, I took this picture earlier today, from my living room window. The red circle shows how high up on the tree those markings are –

Perspective from my living room window

So, what do you see? Am I crazy, thinking these are the initials of some long ago sweethearts? Be sure to shout out in the comment section, and let me know what you think.

what do you see #MicroblogMondays

10 thoughts on “MM – What do you see

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  1. What beautiful photos. I wish I loved early morning more so I could visit it more often. 🙂 I totally think those are ancient lovers’ initials. What a fabulous discovery, so high up in the air. I can’t tell which photo I love more, the mossy rocks, or the pink and salmon sunrise behind the bare trees. Just lovely!

    1. Thank you, Jess! I plan to show this to our landlords, and see if maybe they can shed some light on who the initials might belong to. I can’t think of anyone in their family who might fit, and they’ve lived here for over thirty years.

  2. What a gorgeous view you have!

    I think you could be on to something. Just trying to figure out how they’d get so high. Maybe they initialed the tree when it was just beyond sapling and it sprouted upward?

    However it happened, very cool. Hope your convalescence is going well.

    1. Thanks, Lori! We’re so spoiled by this property we rent. We’re surrounded by acres of conservation land, New Hampshire granite, and tons of trees – but we’re walking distance to “civilization.” 🙂

      That’s what we’re thinking – the initials were carved when the tree was shorter, then rose as it grew. Not sure if that’s the science, but once I get it figured out, I’ll let everyone know.

      My recovery is going very well – thanks for asking!

  3. Are one of the initials HB? I do wonder if the tree grows upward if that part of the tree would have been much lower to the ground at some point.

    1. I’m not sure, Mel. I was thinking they were, “C. S. + L. C.” but every time I look, I see it a different way. It could just be a trick of the light – one day soon, I’ll figure this out.

  4. Dreamhost site of the month got me to your website and your front page had me at an instant! I couldn’t help but “read more”! Fantastic site.

    As for the tree, it could be that the area was under water more at some point and they did that carving from a boat. Or, could be there was some sort of wilderness ropes course in those trees at some point. Any way you think about it….it’s romantic nonetheless.

    Love your site!

    1. Welcome, Gary!

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I love your thoughts on how the initials could’ve gotten on the tree. Which reminds me – I still haven’t mentioned it to our landlords, to see if they have any insight. If I find anything out, I’ll be sure to do an update.

      Oh, and I love that you love my site! Hope you continue to, “read more.” Thanks again! *grin*

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