For #SteemBloPoMo Day 19, I figured I’d submit my entry into another one of @zord189‘s wicked awesomesauce Power House Creatives contest (speaking of, learn how to join HERE). I mean, how can I resist when he describes the contest thusly?
It’s time for @traciyork’s favourite kind of contest. Yes, you’ve guessed it right, it has something to do with GIFs! I know @rebeccabe loves using Gifphys too. Using a Gif is one thing but can you tell us a story behind that Gifs is a whole new level. This contest will take gifs to the next level. Before that Gif happened, what went on behind the scenes, is there a story to that boy running away? Or that quacky dance? Or wat’s up with cat banging on that keyboard?
So without further ado, here’s my entry. Fair warning – I used “The Most Dangerous Writing App” again for this, so it’s not the most well plotted piece I’ve ever done. Amazing the silliness my inner editor lets me get away with when there’s the risk of losing everything I’d written. Oh, and for the record, I’m posting this with 20 minutes to spare on the 19thso I’m still on track for Steem Blog Posting Month! 😜
“Is this really happening right now? Like, I’m not dreaming or anything, am I?”
I looked at the twenty-something girl sitting to my left, and she shrugged her shoulders and replied, “I have no clue. I’m just a seat filler.”
Seat filler. A person who runs over and sits in empty seats during the awards ceremony. I’d heard that was a thing, but now I knew for sure because I was really here at the Oscars. Me, from podunk East Osh Gosh was sitting two seats away from Nicole Kidman.
Yes, Nicole freakin’ Kidman, who just got a shout out from Sandra freakin’ Bullock, who was currently on stage accepting an award. I looked at the screens lit up behind her and realized she’d won for actress in a leading role for her part in the sequel to Practical Magic.
My sequel. Like, I came up with the idea, wrote it down as a piece of fan fiction, and on a lark posted it on the Steem blockchain for one of the amazeballs contests @mariannewest did for a Freewrite House. Then @jaynie and @zord189 shouted out in the Power House Creatives Discord channel, asking everyone to show me a little support.
Now I was two seats away from Nicole freakin’ Kidman.
This HAS to be a dream, right? Because no way way… wait, what dd Sandra just say?
No. No freaking way this was really happening. But that didn’t mean I couldn’t enjoy it, right? Come on, pretend that this is actually happening and enjoy it while you can.
I looked up and saw Sandra… I mean Sandy, because she told me to call her that the day I met her at the table read, holy crap I remember meeting her so this really is happening! Where was I? Oh yeah, Sandy looks like she’s beckoning me to join her on stage. Deep breath York, you’ve got this. Try not to pull a Jennifer Lawrence on the way up to the stage and anything after that will be golden. Wait, what’s on my feet?
I glanced down at the sensible flats I was wearing, and knew this had to be the real deal. If this were a dream, I’d have killer high heeled boots on, because why waste the opportunity to wear footwear I couldn’t in real life thanks to a broken baby toe years ago that got persnickety at anything over a one inch heel and why would I know that if this was a dream, holy cannoli this was happening!
As I practically glided on air towards the stage, I realized I could hear a faint buzzing noise, almost lost in the sound of the crowd applauding. The closer I got to the stairs leading up, the louder it got. At first I thought it was some kind of feedback from the giant speakers suspended at either side of the stage, but I started to notice a rhythm A beeping more than a buzzing, actually… in fact, it almost sounded like….
I slammed down the snooze button, and heard my hubby in the bed next to me saying, “You okay babe?”
“Yeah, but damn. I knew it was too good to be true, but still…” I filled him in on the gist of the dream, and he laughed.
“Wow, you gotta tell the girls that tonight at dinner.”
I looked at him for a moment, wondering what he meant. Our daughters were still living with us, so why would I have to wait until suppertime?
“You didn’t forget about the dinner tonight, did you? Remember, getting together with Sandy and Nicky to bounce around ideas for your next script? Nicky’s gonna give you all kinds of grief over that, because of that thing where she says Sandy is your favorite. And she’s the one who won that award, remember?”

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Speaking of witch which…
I have one billion many homes on the interwebz.
Here are a few…
- Smoke Blog ~ Traci York
- Steemit Blog ~ Traci York
- WordPress Blog ~ Traci York
- Facebook ~ Traci Cavanaugh York
- Facebook Page ~ Traci York, Writer
- Instagram ~ traciyork_aka_internetg33k
- Pinterest ~ Traci York, Writer
- Twitter ~ @TraciYorkWriter
- My Weku Blog ~ Traci York
- YouTube ~ InternetGeek
- Ello ~ @traciyork
On the Steemit blogging site,
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of these awesomesauce communities
Links: PowerHouseCreatives; steemsugars; steemusa;
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