My first Market Friday – Shopping at Lowes

FINALLY! After ages of seeing the #MarketFriday tag by @dswigle, when we went shopping at Lowes last week I finally remembered to –

A) take my camera with me whilst shopping


2. actually bring it in the store and take pictures!

Last week, knowing that summer weather was finally moving into New Hampshire, hubby & I headed out to get a few supplies for re-installing our A/C

A sure sign of good weather – the Garden Center is full!

As we were walking in the front door, hubby said, “Look – the Momma bench had a Baby bench.” How could I not take a picture of that!

Pretty Petunias, for just under $12 a pot.

One of the first things we see as we walk in is this beautifully set up entertainment area. I’m always so tempted with displays like these to just curl up on the couch, and enjoy the air conditioned indoors!

Although I prefer the lighting on the second display – I wonder if they’d complain if I switched them out?

It hurts my brain a little to think that some people have this amazing kitchen set up outdoors as their secondary, given it’s a bazillion times nicer than our regular indoors one! If you look closely, you’ll notice some very nice person decided to leave their empty Gatorade bottle on the counter, no doubt to give it an authentic feel.

Something about this wall is a-door-able!

I love their lighting displays – it’s always so cheerful and elegant looking (at least it is until you look at the picture later and notice all the wires and price tags 😜



Nice ambiance

I think it would be fun to have a room with all different lights on the walls. Not practical in the slightest, but I bet it would look wicked cool!

Hubby and all his fans

Speaking of hubby, we finally made our way to the aisle with our required items

Pieces of foam insulation to fill out the window space around the A/C since we have tall, skinny windows so no regular A/C fits perfectly.

Oooo, look! DIY kids toys – these always bring back fond memories of doing workshops with these kits for Girl & Boy Scouts.

For some reason, the idea of having an LED light on a bottle, so you can see where you’re spraying it, just cracked me up!

We reached the end of the store, and our shopping is done, so I decided to take pictures to show how big the place is. However, immediately after taking this shot (yes, that’s our cart), I started talking to hubby and completely spaced taking one from the other direction. Oh well, maybe next time!

A quick stop at the self checkout, then we were on our way! Hope you enjoyed coming along with us!


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5 thoughts on “My first Market Friday – Shopping at Lowes

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    1. Yep, it’s pretty popular in states that have temperate weather, but I know even people here in New England that have them. Given that we tend to grill all year round, regardless of weather, I supposed it’s not that surprising… but still…

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