Before I get started with the Aureal posting and the future of Hive, @killerwot asked if I had the sort of mailing list thing we do on Hive, where you tag people either in a post, or in a comment in reply to the post, to let them know when the post has been published... Continue Reading →
AMA About Hive (or other things) Podcast Episode Two – How I Podcast
▶️ Listen on Aureal-- Seems like two seconds ago it was November 1st, and yet the second day of the month is fast coming to a close. However, I managed yet again to record one of my nugget sized podcasts earlier this afternoon (both #HiveBloPoMo and #NaPodPoMo), and already I feel like I'm... Continue Reading →
My First AMA About Hive (or other things) Podcast for NaPodPoMo
▶️ Listen on Aureal-- My first AMA About Hive! Here we are on Day One of both #HiveBloPoMo and #NaPodPoMo and I'm actually doing the thing! Yes, I've officially started my easier-than-I-thought nugget sized podcast called, "AMA About Hive (or other things). (nuggets, according to the incredibly wise @epodcaster, are episodes than run... Continue Reading →
Another Ghost Story for a HiveBuzz Halloween Trick or Treat badge
Happy Halloween and Samhain blessings to everyone! As I've done for the past couple of years, I posted a ghost story on Hive to participate in HiveBuzz's Halloween Trick or Treat badge, and thought I'd share it here as well. And in keeping with a sort of theme, I'm again sharing a spooky tale from... Continue Reading →
My review of the first draft of the Hive Feature Film
I knew it had been a good long while since I'd done a post here on WordPress, but I didn't realize it was almost since the beginning of the year! Even on my Hive blog, I've been so busy with behind-the-scenes blockchain stuff that I've mostly been posting Hive Power Up Day related content. One... Continue Reading →
Sublime Sunday – Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
When looking for a blog link to share for last week's Monday Blogs tag on Twitter, I bumped into my Zazzle greeting cards featuring my feathered friends for my mother post, from last January and thought it might be fun to run those dozen photos through the Deep Dream Generator for a Sublime Sunday post... Continue Reading →
Day after the 2022 Nor’easter
Usually when I take pictures of amazing nature, I make a point of keeping non naturey things like houses, cars, lawn furniture and such out of the frame. However, to show how much snow Mother Nature dumped on us during yesterday's Nor'easter/bomb cyclone/blizzard event (geez, the weather people are getting dramatic with their, I... Continue Reading →
Trying to find my bird photography mojo again – hits and misses
I'd swear that maybe two seconds ago, it was about to be the new year and now all of a sudden, we're over three weeks into 2022. I'll admit I've been in a bit of a funk over the past few decades years months weeks, but now I'm trying to shake it off and finally... Continue Reading →
Photography Lovers End of Year Contest – My Favorite Shots from 2021
When I first saw the Photography Lovers End of Year Contest Announcement post over on Hive, I knew two things - I'd have to enter my favorite shots from 2021, and given how many photos I've taken over the past twelve months, it would be tough to pick my favorites. I decided to do like... Continue Reading →
Silent Snowy Sublime Sunday Shots
In a lot of ways, it doesn't feel like Christmas will be here in less than a week. However, Mother Nature decided it was high time she decorated for the holidays, so yesterday afternoon she started in with the fluffy white stuff & didn't stop until this morning. After our boy headed out to drive... Continue Reading →
Trees At Dawn for @parul2411’s #ThursdayTreeLove
Yes, it's Friday. I actually had this post about ninety percent done yesterday morning - I'd gone out first thing to get some photos of the trees at dawn, then had a rare couple of hours of quiet to edit the pictures and get things ready to post. But then distractions popped up (in the... Continue Reading →
FlashFiction Freewrite Friday – Not Too Late
Yes, just like last week, I know today is Monday not Friday, but I've been doing the Hive Blockchain version of NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) every day, and thought I'd share this FlashFiction Freewrite Friday - Not Too Late piece here on my WordPress blog so I could have something new to share for... Continue Reading →