More snow? BOO! More pictures? YAY! Some from NIGHT and some from DAY!

Yeah, I have no idea why the title came out of my brain that way… LOL!

Just as the weatherman predicted, temps around here hovered around 70F/21C on Wednesday,and melted all the snow we got on Sunday. Apparently, that annoyed Mother Nature to no end, so she hit us with another (albeit, much smaller) storm yesterday.

When I went outside with our cat (a story for another day) I noticed how cool the trees looked when lit up by the new flashlight hubby just bought. So cool, in fact, that it lit the light bulb atop my head, and I ~~hobbled like the old woman I am~~ raced back inside for my camera and tripod (and yes, those are both Amazon affiliate links, for all the good it does me – LOL!).

Then this morning, I woke up ~~at the asscrack of dawn~~ ridiculously early, and made the mistake of peeking out the window. Yep, grabbed my gear again and wandered around the yard ~~making old lady noises because my body was pissed at me for being outside at stupid o’clock~~, even though the temp was (at that time) 24F/-4C.

So what I’m saying is, all of these shots were taken in my Durham, NH yard the evening of February 22nd and the morning of the 23rd 2018. Oh, and for what it’s worth – the only “editing” I did was to reduce them in size (20% of the original so I don’t hurt Steemit’s blockchain brain), and in the case of the two different bird shots, I brightened the exposure a bit (dawn’s early light is crap when taking pictures of colorful birds on the tops of tall trees).


Our front porch light – hubby used a specialty “antique” light bulb, which gives it an awesome fire-like glow

Some from NIGHT and some from DAY!

Hard to see, but there are some stars peeking out from behind the tree on the left


Less bashful stars, and the 1300 lumen flashlight (also an Amazon affiliate link, but we bought ours locally and for less than half this price!) makes the trees glow!

Some from NIGHT and some from DAY!

I spy, with my little eye, something that begins with, “s”… *grin*


I tried holding the flashlight over my head, and got this cool “the spaceship is approaching” glow.


Another bashful star.


The glow on the left is coming from our regular outdoor lights. Love the subtle rainbow colors!


Looks so pretty wearing her winter’s finest!


Apparently, we should name him, “Snowy.”



Around 6:30am-ish, so the sky and colors are muted, but beautiful. This shot doesn’t do it justice.


Those clouds!


And those clouds!


Not to mention, those clouds!


Is it just me, or does the sun look like it’s watching me back… spooky…


Branches close up, with the rising sun behind.


This looks link the fingers of a hand pinching the sun between its index and middle fingers. To me, anyway. 😜


The tiniest change in focal point & zoom make the biggest difference!


Frosty branches, backlit by the sunrise.


Again, those clouds!


And again, those snow covered branches… LOL


Stripes and polka dots.


Stormy ocean of clouds.


A male Bluebird hanging out at the top of a tree.


A few ~trees~~ branches over, a Goldfinch decides to have a seat.


Last, but not least – those clouds though!

Some from NIGHT and some from DAY!

animated footer with URLs

Some from NIGHT and some from DAY!. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. Finally, it has turned. Success! Some from NIGHT and some from DAY!. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. Some from NIGHT and some from DAY!. I will keep going while until you turn green. I can’t believe this is still orange. First, this is not a passive voice. Next, I am writing in an active voice. Therefore, my SEO will stop telling me how to write. Furthermore, these sentences are also shorter than twenty words. Rather, stop being so controlling. I will keep going while until you turn green. Finally, it has turned. Success! Finally, it has turned. Success! Some from NIGHT and some from DAY!.

7 thoughts on “More snow? BOO! More pictures? YAY! Some from NIGHT and some from DAY!

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      1. I’m with you on that but this is the first year I could imagine living somewhere else for a few weeks. The long stretches of bitter cold was really hard for me to handle this year. But I love the snow and the four seasons.

    1. Thanks so much, Cupcake Witch! I used to have that problem too, but I’ve gotten into the habit of bringing my camera with me everywhere. And I love clouds in general.

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