The Full Blue Moon Sky Show

Mother Nature has been a bit fickle lately, so even though the weather report (at least the one I saw) called for clear skies Saturday night, I decided to play it safe and grab some shots of the Full Blue Moon on Friday night (technically, only 9 hours before it officially turned full). Good thing... Continue Reading →

The Waxing Moon and Aldebaran

Yesterday, the predicted Four’easter was a non-event. While enough snow fell early morning that we needed to brush off hubby's work truck, by the time the storm drifted away, even that inch or two was mostly melted. via GIPHY Needless to say, my enthusiasm for snow snaps is not what it used to be, so... Continue Reading →

Happy Spring, New England!

Happy Spring, New England! To celebrate the rumored arrival of spring yesterday, as well as the fourth Nor'easter in three weeks due to hit my area later today , I decided to finally post some of my shots from Nor'easter Number Three. Fair warning - there's a bunch of bluebird pictures again (different from the... Continue Reading →

Beautiful bluebirds beat boring blizzard

A little while ago, I started looking through the over 600 shots I've taken of this "third time's the charm... NOT" blizzard that dropped 25.5in/64.7cm on our part of New Hampshire. However, after a short time of staring at nothing but white, I happened to look up from my computer desk, and the most gorgeously... Continue Reading →

My Collection of Heart-Shaped Photos

[Originally posted on Steemit earlier today] Just over a week ago, I noticed a post by @thekittygirl called, Heart-Shaped Photos, in which she shared her amazing collection of heart photos (the first one in particular got me right in the feels!). She mentioned she got the idea from @dflo's also wicked amazing post, My heart... Continue Reading →

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