MM – Day of the Moon

Since the name Monday came from the word Monenday, which translates to Day of the Moon, I figured it was a good excuse to share a bunch of moon snaps here, instead of on my most recent Foto Friday. Come to think of it, I've used that excuse once or twice before. *grin* These were... Continue Reading →

FF – I heart Foto Friday 41

Just like last week, I'm still making progress with my knee! While I'm still not able to take as many daily pictures, I have more than enough for an all new Foto Friday 41. Also like the past few weeks, I'm trying something else a little different. The pictures are both embedded in the post,... Continue Reading →

MM – Happy Supermoon Monday

As I mentioned in my most recent Witchy Wednesday, today is the Super Full Moon (aka, the vaguely heroic sounding Supermoon). I managed to hobble outside last night to get some pictures, about 15 hours before it was officially full. I plan to make another trek tonight for some additional shots, which will probably be... Continue Reading →

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