MM – NaNoWriMo Quandary

For the first time since 2010, I have a NaNoWriMo quandary. My original plan was to write something based on the fictional Internet Geek character I created for my old blog. However, I couldn't seem to puzzle out exactly what I wanted from that story line, so here I am - ten days away from... Continue Reading →

MM – NaNoWriMo Countdown

The NaNoWriMo countdown is on! One week from today, in addition to being Halloween and Samhain, it will be National Novel Writing Month Eve. I've done it every year since 2007, and crossed the finish line seven times. This year, even though I'm a big fan of pantsing, I might just give plotting a go.... Continue Reading →

MM – ZK Snyder’s Notebook Method

During the process of creating links for last Monday's post, I stumbled upon Zilpha Keatley Snyder's website (author of my personal favorite, The Velvet Room, among many others). One of the first things I noticed was a section called, "To Fellow Writers." I clicked on it, saw it contained a reprint of a 1993 article... Continue Reading →

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