Come to the Steemit Side…We Have Crypto

Imagine that Facebook, WordPress, Reddit, Snapchat, World of Warcraft, and the Stock Market got together one night, had a little too much to drink and did things they regretted in the morning. Then, nine months later, a baby appeared. That kid would be Steemit. This relatively new (March 2016) social network built on a blockchain,... Continue Reading →

MM – I’m a REAL Writer

Today marks the day that I feel I've become a real writer. No, not because I'm working on my fifth Maeve Sawyer book (for a total of seven, first draft novels sitting on my hard drive). And not for the other bazillions of reasons I should know I'm already a real writer. But for me,... Continue Reading →

MM – Writing woes

Tonight is the first time my writing group meets without me (thanks to circumstances involving my impending surgery), so I'm singing the writing woes blues. Yes, I'm writing in a way. I'm blogging consistently, but every single day, I think about Maeve and how I'm letting her down by not giving her a decent storyline.... Continue Reading →

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