Hard to believe, but ten years ago today, I started blogging for a local newspaper. After two years, I struck out on my own. Granted, there have been long stretches of zero posts, but for close to a year now, I've managed three posts a week, with a few extras (like throwbacks for Thanksgiving and... Continue Reading →
Musing Monday – I Will Follow You
Now that I've consistently posted entries three times a week for close to a year (and daily last November), I've turned my focus to finding my audience. My peeps. My fan base. Lately, when I'm pondering possible platitudes to entice people here, this song by Genesis pops into my head - "I will follow you... Continue Reading →
Musing Monday – Gimme some Bloglovin
Now that I've been blogging three times a week for about nine months, I'm taking the next logical step and working on my readership. Facebook is proving to be a big fail, thanks to their money hungry "promote this post or nobody will ever see it" strong arm tactics algorithm. I don't plan to delete... Continue Reading →
Musing Monday – Sold out to Ad Sense
Yes, I've gone to the dark side, 'cause I'm looking to score some cookies... *grin* I spent far too much time this past year agonizing over the pros and cons of installing Ad Sense on my blog. A few days ago, I finally decided to take Nike's advice. As you can see in one of... Continue Reading →
Musing Monday – New year, new look
I credit my father for my ability to code. Granted, I’m no wizard at it, but I have enough knowledge to get by, thanks to being introduced to MBasic back in the day by Dad, who figured out how create programs and databases and encouraged me to do the same. No big surprise that when... Continue Reading →
The Geek Side
Come to the Geek Side - we have Pi. *giggle* *giggle* *snort* Since it's difficult to write whilst snickering away, I'm posting an old entry from a blog I did for a local newspaper , back in... ... wait for it... ... are you ready?... ... 2007! Some of the links have long since disappeared,... Continue Reading →
Inspired words
In 2009, one of the multi-talented members of our writing group organized a program called, “Inspired Words.” The idea was to use a piece of art in a local museum as the inspiration for our monthly writing prompt. We were also given the opportunity, along with the community at large, to read our results at... Continue Reading →
Laundry Time
Back in those dark days of the not too distant past, the weekly need to do our laundry affected my whole day (and, to be honest, bled over to the days before and after as well). We’d been spoiled by many years of having our own washer and dryer, before downsizing an extreme amount to... Continue Reading →
The Best Laid Plans
Yesterday was one of those days. Before this month crammed full of writing began, I had plans that I’d get my daily blogging done and posted before noon, then spend the rest of the day doing fits and spurts of NaNo writing. But my body decided Daylight Savings be dammed, and I slept twelve hours... Continue Reading →
Rabbit, Rabbit! NaBloPoMo begins
And so it begins… I’ve made breakfast and packed a lunch for hubby. Cleared the clutter off the front porch, and washed the dishes. Made a cup of coffee, two fried egg sandwiches for the youngest two teens, and ate a Portuguese muffin with a second cup of coffee (my idea of breakfast). Poked around... Continue Reading →
A year and a day
How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? ~ Dr. Seuss It's hard to believe it's been 366 days since my last blog post. Needless to say, there's much... Continue Reading →
Finish Work
I crossed the finish line, but the race has just begun! Better yet - my youngest crossed with me, completing the final 200 words of her story only about twelve hours after I hit the 50K mark. While her word count was much smaller, and she spent only a few days working on her story... Continue Reading →