This might be the week I start to get some answers! Which is good, because my visit to the oncologist actually left me with more questions, specifically about Lumpy. But I'm getting a bit ahead of myself - first, a little update on all the fun since last Monday. Previously on "The Adventures of Lumpy... Continue Reading →
Running out of tests to run on Leaky aka my breast cancer concern
Okay, readers, fess up - who's the one who wished I'd live in interesting times? *sigh* Still not much to report since last week, but here's what's been going on - A little addlebrained. I can't believe I forgot to mention one of my crazy-making moments from last week! Remember how I said I finally... Continue Reading →
Good but exasperating update on Leaky aka my breast cancer concern
I'll start with the punchline first - even after the results of an MRI, I still don't have a frelling clue as to why Leaky is leaking. Now that I've gotten that out of the way (and technically, that could be my shortest Microblog Monday post ever), here are the specifics - "You spin me... Continue Reading →