MM – Time to regroup

One week ago today, a dear Facebook friend (*waves madly at Lorraine*) posted a link on my wall. It detailed a local writers' night, happening (by New Hampshire standards) right down the road from me. Since I didn't have much time to ponder, I avoided talking myself out of it, so last Wednesday I made... Continue Reading →

WW – Energy work

Even after nine months of healing from years of undiagnosed deficiencies, I still find myself saying on a regular basis, "Wow, it's been so long since I've been able to..." I'm realizing that it's not just that my energy level was low - it's more like the energy that is fundamentally me was muted, and... Continue Reading →

Better living through chemistry

To be medicated, or not to be medicated? That is the question— Whether ’tis nobler for the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous depression, Or to throw drugs against that sea of troubles, And, by medicating, end them? ~ apologies to Hamlet and The Bard About a million years ago, hubby and... Continue Reading →

Reality Bytes

You know those light bulb moments? The ones where you’ve been motoring along through life, doing certain things in a certain way, without considering if it was really the easiest or most efficient way of doing it? Then, reality check - someone or something comes along and shows you a better way? I’ve had many... Continue Reading →

Ghost of depression past

Hubby recently hooked up my old external hard drive to my computer, and I've been working on getting important files copied over, and other files deleted. I spent some time this afternoon horrifying our youngest (fourteen) by showing her the tons and tons of selfies she took with my camera when she was younger, then... Continue Reading →

Melancholutopia – A True Fable

I call this bit of creative writing, set in a fantasy land where my depression is almost entertaining, Melancholutopia. Chapter 1 Once upon a time, there lived a princess who believed as soon as she met her true love, married him, and had many royal kidlets, she’d live happily ever after. Belle’s library and an... Continue Reading →

Laundry Time

Back in those dark days of the not too distant past, the weekly need to do our laundry affected my whole day (and, to be honest, bled over to the days before and after as well). We’d been spoiled by many years of having our own washer and dryer, before downsizing an extreme amount to... Continue Reading →

The Best Laid Plans

Yesterday was one of those days. Before this month crammed full of writing began, I had plans that I’d get my daily blogging done and posted before noon, then spend the rest of the day doing fits and spurts of NaNo writing. But my body decided Daylight Savings be dammed, and I slept twelve hours... Continue Reading →

Rabbit, Rabbit! NaBloPoMo begins

And so it begins… I’ve made breakfast and packed a lunch for hubby. Cleared the clutter off the front porch, and washed the dishes. Made a cup of coffee, two fried egg sandwiches for the youngest two teens, and ate a Portuguese muffin with a second cup of coffee (my idea of breakfast). Poked around... Continue Reading →

A year and a day

How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon? ~ Dr. Seuss It's hard to believe it's been 366 days since my last blog post. Needless to say, there's much... Continue Reading →

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