WW – Dark Cancer Moon

July is almost upon us! Not only is the 4th America's Independence Day, it's also the Dark Cancer Moon. I swear one of these days, I'll crack open my Astrology books again, but in the meantime, here's a snippet of what to expect from Cafe Astrology - "A New Moon occurs on the 4th in... Continue Reading →

WW – Happy Birthday Scott Cunningham

This coming Monday (June 27th, 2016) would have been Scott Cunningham's 6oth birthday. To celebrate, I'm reposting some of the graphics I've created using his words and my photographs. Happy Birthday Scott Cunningham! “Read as much as you can, discarding negative or disturbing information. Learn by doing, and the Goddess and God will bless you... Continue Reading →

WW – Litha and the Full Moon

On Monday June 20, both Litha and the Full Moon occurring at the same time! Well, technically the full moon happens at 7:02am, and Litha is officially at 6:34pm, but still - pretty awesome. First up, a bit about Litha, from someone who is having a birthday in a couple days! June 20, 2012 Summer... Continue Reading →

WW – Dark Gemini Moon

While looking ahead to next month (which is not that far away - how is it already almost June?), I see that Saturday, June 4th brings us the Dark Gemini Moon. Then, when looking back on my blog posts from 2015, I discovered that it's been just about a year since I started creating graphics... Continue Reading →

WW – Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius

Saturday night is the Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius. There are some mutterings around the interwebz that this will also be a Blue Moon, but only according to an old, obscure, and strangely almost local-to-me source. There's a great explanation of it all in the article A May Full ‘Blue Moon’ on Tap For This... Continue Reading →

WW – Dark Taurus Moon

Friday May 6th brings the Dark Taurus Moon. While some day I might be able to remember my Astrology class teachings well enough to postulate planetary predictions myself, today is not that day. Here's a little bit of information from a couple of websites (same as last month) that are able to read meanings in... Continue Reading →

WW – Beltane 2016

Happy Beltane! This Sunday, the magical bookend to Samhain arrives, amidst the chilly New England version of Spring. As I said last year (in much the same words), there are a bazillion sites out on the interwebz with information on the holiday, so I'm going to keep things simple. Once again, I decided to put... Continue Reading →

WW – Full Pink Moon in Scorpio

Not only is this Friday Earth Day, it's also when the Full Pink Moon in Scorpio arrives. However, unless you're wearing a pair of rose-colored glasses, don't expect the color to be anything unusual - "Pink" refers to the appearance of phlox (one of the first flowers to bloom in the spring), and not the... Continue Reading →

MM – Earth Day 2016 approaches

This Friday is Earth Day 2016, and marks the 46th year of the Earth Day movement. What exactly is it? Here's a tiny blurb from the official site - The first Earth Day on April 22, 1970, activated 20 million Americans from all walks of life and is widely credited with launching the modern environmental... Continue Reading →

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