This week has been a bit challenging (and I don’t mean to be cryptic, it’s just that those are stories for another day). However, this morning before the thunder boomers moved in, I got a chance to take a Wednesday Walk with Freddie (our cat).
Yes, after Freddie adopted us this past November, we made the easy decision to make him an indoor cat. Easy, because we’d already promised our landlords that our cat Sid would never go outside without being on leash (something we’d already gotten him used to doing when we were living in our camper).
Over the winter, he didn’t seem too interested in escaping outside, but once the weather got nice again (and he got a gander at all the wildlife outside our windows), he definitely got cabin fever. We ordered him a purple harness much like the blue one Sid has, and amazingly enough, it didn’t take long before he got used to walking around outside wearing it.
The way he let me know this morning that he wanted to go out was very Freddie-like – I was sitting at our kitchen table (which is taller than the typical, and is more like a bar table), chatting with hubby, who was still home because his work van died in our driveway, and he was waiting for the tow truck. One minute we’re talking, next minute I have a big, furry, orange parrot cat on my left shoulder! Jim said loudly, “HEY” and Freddie jumped back down. We joke about how he must be magic because he levitates so well, and this was a prime example – somehow he managed to land on me and launch himself off without hurting either of us. Usually when he gets that acrobatic, it means he needs a good wander outside.
Speaking of wandering, don’t forget to wander on over to @tattoodjay‘s latest post, called Wednesday walk challenge and Steem Basic Income Give away which features some awesome candid shots of people along his walk down the streets of NYC (my favorite is the guy with the guitar)!
Now, on to my photos from my Wednesday Walk with Freddie, August 7th, 2019!
Happy walking & see you next week!

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Love this. Freddie is so cute.