WW – Bright Imbolc Blessings

Interestingly, this Witchy Wednesday post about Imbolc, which is the first Sabbat in the Wheel of the Year, is also the last one I’ve created a graphic for. Last year, I wrote a couple of posts about it (here and here), but I hadn’t started putting together my Pinterest Pictures (as I sometimes call them) yet. This year, I hope to revisit and redo them all.

Here’s a couple bits of information from an article on the website, Circle of the Sacred Muse

Imbolc means “in the belly”. This refers to the pregnant ewes who are about to birth their lambs, but can also refer to the Goddess, as in “in the belly of the Mother”, for in the womb of Mother Earth, even though it may to be apparent to us yet, there are stirrings. The seeds are just beneath the surface, ready to sprout; this is a time of quickening and new growth. Imbolc does not bring dramatic change from the apparent death of Winter-the trees do not burst into blossom overnight, leaves do not immediately sprout from the branches, plants and flowers do not instantly carpet the earth. This is a very mysterious time-growth is gradual and seeds lie hidden in the earth, slowly pushing the first shoots up through the soil and yet all still appears lifeless. In Western Europe, this was the time for preparing the fields for the first planting

Imbolc is a celebration of newness-the promise of fertility new life and new hope. The white of the Imbolc snowdrop is a color of the Virgin Goddess. Imbolc is the festival that celebrates the transformation of the Goddess from the dark Crone of Winter to the radiant Virgin of Spring. The ground is awakening and the seed is placed in the belly of the earth. The promises of the return of the light and the renewal of life, which were made at the Winter Solstice, are now becoming manifest. It’s the dawn of the year. It is time to creep out of Winter hibernation; it’s the time of germination. This is also a traditional time for new beginnings, a time of initiations and taking a new name.

Here is the graphic I created for the occasion. Bright Imbolc Blessings to all!
1. Imbolc 2016

February 2nd, 2016 (some celebrate on the 1st). Candlemas, Brigid/Brighid/ Brigit) is a Cross Quarter Day, the midpoint between Winter Solstice & Spring Equinox. Colors – White, Red, Green. Symbols – Brigid crosses, besoms/brooms, candles, robins, snowdrops, deer, cauldrons, poetry. Ritual work – Preparing to plant seeds (metaphorical and/or literal), purification, reaffirming commitments and vows, writing poetry and spells.

2 thoughts on “WW – Bright Imbolc Blessings

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  1. Bright blessings to you on Imbolc! (or the day after.) I did a small ceremony, but very small. Hope yours was lovely.

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