WW – Complete Home Cleaning Spell by Ellen Dugan

Here in New England, the time is ripe for some fall cleanup. While I’m still not “broom ready” thanks to ongoing knee issues, I decided to check Llewellyn for a home cleaning spell for future use. I really like this Complete Home Cleansing by Ellen Dugan. While she specifically created it for the waxing moon (*ding* – yep, we’re waxing right now) and a Saturday back in 2010, (*buzz* – nope, today is Wednesday), it looks easy enough to tweak for other times.

What are some of your favorite cleaning rituals? Be sure to shout out in the comment section, and happy cleaning!
Home Cleaning Spell by Ellen Dugan

Home Cleaning Spell. Well it’s Saturday—a perfect time to banish and to cleanse. Let’s tap into the energies of the waxing Moon and turn up the volume on your personal wards at your home. Begin by physically cleaning the house. Dust, vacuum, mop, take out the trash, and remove clutter. Then light a new white candle of any size or shape. Set up a work area in the heart of your home and repeat the protection charm three times. As this New Moon-white candle glows, All around me, protection does grow. I banish all negativity and ill intent, This spell will hold even after the candle is spent. By Saturn’s day and the element of fire, This spell is now sealed by my will and desire. Move the candle to a safe place and let it burn until it goes out on its own. ~ Home Cleaning Spell, Ellen Dugan February 20, 2010

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