Since the dark moon was last night, I figured I’d do a quick update first on the ritual I posted last week. When I set things up to take a picture for the blog entry, I had this wonderful vision in my brain of heading out into the woods last night, tools in hand, and doing it “for real” on that same stone from the photo. However, last night was dank, foggy, and most of the mosquitoes in the state had a camporee in our yard. Therefore, my ritual was done in the kitchen, cauldron placed squarely between the burners of our electric stove (the most heat-safe surface that was relatively clean). My concentration was definitely better without the constant swatting, so I consider this a witchy win.
Oh, and given that I’ve set my magical intention, combined with a practical plan (see Monday’s blog for details), there’s a very good chance Wrecked will finally see the light of day this year!
Speaking of light, I can’t believe the longest day of year is almost here! Yep, next up on the Wheel of the Year is Litha (also known as Summer Solstice and Midsummer), which arrives on June 21st this year. And who better to give a little information on the holiday than someone who is having a birthday today!
June 20, 2012 Summer Solstice: On the first day of summer, finding balance by Starhawk
Summer solstice is the longest day and the shortest night of the year and marks the first day of summer. For witches and pagans and all who celebrate the cycles of nature, this is the time when we honor the light, knowing that it will begin to decline and bring back the dark. Nothing lasts forever. Death comes to us all, in time. Empires fall. A rising tide may lift all boats—but a tide that rises and rises without falling is not a tide at all, but a disaster.
The cycles of light and dark, growth and decay, are part of life. They are woven into our cells, our bones, and we forget them at our peril. For if we try to cling to youth without accepting age, we become like the evil Queen in Snow White, blighting all around us in our quest for private immortality. If we expect endless growth and expansion, without contraction and constraints, we become a cancer on the face of the earth.
Be sure to read the rest of this excellent article over on faithstreet.
Now, for my contribution to the holiday –
Happy birthday, Starhawk! May all your birthday wishes come true!
Bright Litha blessings to all, and to all a good day! *grin*