WW – Magical Month

Rabbit, rabbit for this magical month!!

First, a correction – in my last Witchy Wednesday post, I stated the Full Thunder Moon was tomorrow night. I apparently got this information from a site that uses UTC (Coordinated Universal Time – the order of the letters is apparently a compromise between the English and the French), so locally, tonight is actually the first of TWO, count ’em, TWO full moons this month! Apologies for the goof – I’ve corrected the graphic accordingly.

Magical Thunder Moon

This month will be extra magical for me – in addition to the Full Moon tonight, World UFO Day is on the 2nd, our nation’s birthday is on the 4th, our son turns eighteen on the 11th, the Dark Moon falls on the 16th (which sounds especially magical and creative), yours truly turns fifty on the 29th, Harry Potter and his creator JK Rowling turn ageless on the 31st (yes, Ms. Rowling is a mere two days younger than myself), and also on the 31st we have a second full moon, known as the Blue Moon.

I’m sure as soon as I hit, “Publish” I’ll think of a dozen more magical things, but for now – bright Thunder Moon blessings to all!

2 thoughts on “WW – Magical Month

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  1. 18 already? Oh, my goodness…it’s really hard to believe.

    50 is pretty good. Just don’t start it by totaling your car. *grin*

    1. Yep – the youngest kindly reminded me last night that in less than three years, all the kidlets will be legal adults. *whimper*

      LOL! Yeah, I don’t think I’ll try to emulate your natal day adventures. With all that bad luck, your next fifty birthdays should be a breeze! 😀

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