Even though the kidlets are past their toddler years, I still enjoy following The Pooka Pages for Pagan Kids. A day or so ago, I saw the following spider story posted on their Facebook page –
I really liked the concept, and decided to research it a bit more. Turns out the origins are a bit murky, but there are many common elements in the different versions I found. My favorite one is this (especially since I got a Brothers Grimm vibe, albeit without the horror, from it) –
According to ancient storytellers, there once was a widow living in her cramped, cold hut with her children. One day, a pinecone dropped from the tree outside and took root. The children, excited by the prospect of a tree for Christmas, tended the seedling and made plans about how they would decorate the tree. Poverty was a way of life for the small family, and when Christmas approached, the widow knew that they would not be able to decorate the tree. The children and the widow accepted their fate and went to bed on Christmas Eve, the tiny tree branches bare.
But the household’s spiders heard the children’s sobs and spun intricate webs on the tree. Early on Christmas morning, the children cried, “Mother, mother wake up and see the tree. It is beautiful!” The widow rose to find that during the cold night a spider had spun its web around the fragile branches. As the rays of the sun crept along the floor and silently climbed the tree, the glow touched the threads of the web turning each one into silver and gold, and, as the story goes, from that day forward the widow never wanted for anything.
That said, I decided we needed to have a spider web and spider on our tree this year, especially since we forgo the tinsel in deference to our feline family member. I put together a (hopefully) simple, inexpensive, and pretty (yes, pretty and spider in the same sentence – the holiday spirit must be getting to my brain) craft project. I’m hoping to get it done in the next day or two, and if it turns out as I hope, I’ll post it here for next week’s Witchy Wednesday.
Now, my dear reader… err, readers – what are some of your favorite tree (witchy or otherwise) decorations? I’ll give everyone who responds below some freshly baked cyber-cookies (extra e-goodies for craft projects).
UPDATE October 2017
I never did create a spider craft project, but I put together a new graphic. I’ve attributed the story to “Author Unknown” because the article I originally cited seems to have disappeared from the interwebz. Please feel free to share!
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