Sublime Sunday – Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed

When looking for a blog link to share for last week’s Monday Blogs tag on Twitter, I bumped into my Zazzle greeting cards featuring my feathered friends for my mother post, from last January and thought it might be fun to run those dozen photos through the Deep Dream Generator for a Sublime Sunday post today. And because it’s not a Sublime Sunday post (for me) without an alliterative title, I decided to go with, Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed.

And spending a couple of days playing with filtering photos definitely seemed appealing after the week we’ve been having here in the York household. After almost two years of managing to avoid it, four of the five of us have been fighting Covid, myself included. I was encouraged after the first few days of being sick, as it seemed as if we’d recover quickly – however, while things aren’t worse, they’re definitely not getting better as fast as I would have liked. I’m planning to do a post about how things went for us in the next week or so, when we’re hopefully out the other side of this.

Before I get to the deeply dreamed feathered friends, be sure to check out the #SublimeSunday tag host @c0ff33a‘s latest post 🙌🏽Sublime Sunday🙌🏽 An excuse to post your random, creative or crazy ideas by – @c0ff33a ☕️ for more information about how to participate.

Sublime Sunday – Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed

As per usual, I’ve included the original photo before its dreamy generator. And as usual, while I have a handful of this made public on my Deep Dream Generator profile page, I’ll have to make the rest public after my “Submit to Latest & Trending pages” regenerates (you’ll only allowed 5 per 24 hours).

EDITED TO ADD: And it just occurred to me that it would be cool to link the DDG page for each Dream, so I’m adding the links to the captions of each as I make them public.

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
1. Cardinal on the shepherds hook

1. DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
2. Late afternoon Goldfinch

2. DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
3. Male Cardinal stopping in to say hi

3. DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
4. Male Red-breasted Nuthatch

4. DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
5. Black-capped Chickadee

5. DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
6. Young Phoebe

6. DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
7. Bluebird on the Shagbark

7. DDG

ZFlashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
8. Young Baltimore Oriole

8. DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
9. Great Crested Flycatcher

9. DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
10. Tufted Titmouse

10, DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
11. Robin in a tree

11. DDG

Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed
12. Woodpecker on a Shagbark tree

12. DDG


Hope you enjoyed the Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed & that everyone had a Sublime Sunday!


Thanks for stopping by!

My posts may occasionally contain affiliate links. If you click through,
I might get a wicked small commission, with no extra cost to you.

My photographs are taken with my trusty Nikon,
sometimes utilizing my handy dandy tripod.
Blog graphics created on Canva

All words and images are mine (unless otherwise indicated),
and can also be found on my various social media sites.

Speaking of witch which…


3 thoughts on “Sublime Sunday – Flashback Feathered Friends Fotos, Deeply Dreamed

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  1. I’m sorry you’re not well. I think we might be at the point where it’s almost impossible to avoid catching it. I hope you all feel better soon and there are no serious consequences.

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